16 August 2008

Agedashi Tofu

for three serves
1 block silken tofu
1 cup dashi
1 tbsp soy
1 tbsp mirin
potato starch or corn starch
vegetable oil

Garnish - fresh ginger, green onions, finely-grated daikon

Make the sauce first
Combine the dashi, soy and mirin bring to the boil
Serve hot

Silken tofu is delicate, so be careful when handling it. It falls apart easily.
It can be compressed between two plates, wrapped in a paper towel but I haven't found to make much [if any] difference...

Cut the tofu into medium size pieces say 3 x 3cm
Coat the pieces with the corn/potato starch. Don't let it sit too long - it may become soggy!
Fry the pieces in hot vegetable oil until golden - when the coating is golden and crisp, it holds the tofu together.
Remove from oil and drain well.

Serve in individual bowls, three pieces each.
Pour a little sauce over each, not to cover the tofu but to give a little soup.
Garnish with a combination of fresh ginger, green onions or daikon, to taste

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